Senin, 30 Mei 2016

Argumentative-Persuasive-Expository Article


Monday, May 30 2016

Sex education must be taught in schools: Child Protection Commission

Time    : 12 p.m

Sex education must be taught in schools to prevent wrong and misguided information on sexuality from shaping children's views, often leading them down dangerous paths. Government had to facilitate sex education because parents did not have a comprehensive understanding of the topic so could not inform their children adequately. Sex education had to be taught from a younger age and should no longer be thought of as something taboo. If it is not taught, children will be confused. When they go through puberty they could get the wrong information, which can be very dangerous. Integrated Services Center for Women and Children ( P2TP2A ) deputy chair Margaretha Hanita said education institutions had an important role in delivering sex education. She agreed sex education should be included in the school curriculum.That to prevent children from obtaining the wrong kind of information, it was important that information on sexuality came from an education institution, or from a formalized system of some sort. However, Margaretha said, "Parents still had an important role to play in teaching children how to protect their bodies, so, the government would not be walking alone in its efforts".

1.      1. Prevent
2.      2. Valuable

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