Sabtu, 09 April 2016


Part Two, The Quell
            The two peacekeepers were actually two young women who had run away from District 8. Their names were Bonnie and Twill, and brought news to Katniss about the uprising in their District, the one that made Peacekeeper uniforms which explains why they’re wearing they uniforms. They said they were headed to District 13 which, to Katniss, was unbelievable. They believed that people lived underground in District 13. Bonnie and Twill explain to Katniss that they know District 13 exists because the Capitol reuses old footage of District 13 whenever it’s shown on TV, as they believe that they always see the same bird in the same place. this leads Katniss ro wonder what the District currently looks like.
            She gives the woman her food supplies and shows them how to hunt. When the evening comes, they leave her and she returns to the village. However she realizes that the fence to the District is now electrified and she’s unable to enter the village through her normal passage. She decides she needs to go over the fence, and searches for the right tree. She climbs up and over and must jump from 25 feet in the air. She lands, and hurts her tailbone and heel. She returns home and tells her mother and Prim that her slipping on some ice caused her injuries, but there are two peacekeepers there waiting for her. They are surprised to see her, because they know she was in the forest and believed she would be trapped on the other side of the fence.
            They were waiting for her not to show up so they can bring her family in for questioning. Luckily, Haymitch, Peeta and Prim were able to go along with a story to cover for her. After the peacekeepers leave, Katniss’ mother examines her broken foot, and Peeta stays with her through the night after she asked him to stay. She is in bed for the winter, while Peeta keeps her company and they enter information in her mothers’ medicinal and edible plant book, with pictures that Peeta is drawing.
            Once she is healed, her prep team comes in to help her with her wedding fashion shoot, along with Cinna. She listen to them speak of how they have not had shrimp in the Capitol for weeks and realizes that other districts are rebelling. The next day, she speaks to Haymitch and he tells her that because District 12 is so small, everyone would need to join in for them to overthrow the Peacekeepers and the Capitol. The same day, Prim comes home and tells everyone that there’s a mandatory television scheduling that night, which she believes is the footage from the wedding fashion shoot.
            Prim is partially correct, but there is also another big announcement. President Snow appears with a wooden box, and reminds the audience of the dark days and when the Hunger Games were born. He also states that every 25 years, the anniversary of the Hunger Games is marked by a Quarter Quell, a glorified version of the Games. He talks about the first Quell, when every district was made to vote on who was sent to Hunger Games, in the second Quell, every district was forced to send twice as many tributes into the Hunger Games. The wooden box holds the information for the third Quarter Quell. Snow pulls out an envelope and states that the male and female tributes will be reaped from the existing pool of victors. Since District 12 has only three winners, Peeta, Haymitch, and Katniss, Katniss knows that she is now going to be forced to go back to the Hunger Games.
            She runs out of the house and into a basement of an empty house to scream and cry. She makes her way to Haymitch where he already tells her Peeta has come to visit him, and told him that Peeta wants to go back into the arena to protect Katniss. she tells Haymitch that whatever they do, she wants Haymitch to make sure Peeta comes back alive. She and Haymitch get drunk and the next afternoon, she goes back to Haymitch’s house where Peeta has emptied all of his liquor and has threatened to turn them or anyone who gives them alcohol in. he tells them that they will be training for the Quarter Quell because two people will come back alive, and they begin to work out and also study footage of past winners to see their competition.
            On the day of the reaping, Katniss has decided to say goodbye to Gale, to tell him how much he means to her. The reaping has Katniss as only choice for the female competitor, and the male chosen is Haymitch. However, Peeta volunteers to take his place. instead of being able to tell their families goodbye, they are brought directly to the train and leave for the Capitol.
            Once at the Capitol, they eat and find out who the competitors from the other districts are. That night, after Katniss is woken from a nightmare, she goes to see Peeta. The two embrace and are interrupted by a writer bringing in warm milk. They decide to watch more videos and come across Haymitch’s victory from the 2nd Quarter Quell which they have not seen. Katniss recognizes the name Maysilee Donner as her mother’s friend, and realizes that she was a twin to Katniss; friend Madge’s mother. She also sees her mother crying and embracing Maysilee when she is called. Katniss also sees Haymitch being called up. She notes that he was powerful looking, and even somewhat handsome.
            Haymitch allied with Maysilee and he broke through the foliage surrounding one and of the arena; he discovered the force field surrounding the arena to prevent the tributes from escaping. He wish to investigate further but Maysilee didn’t so the two tributes parted ways. Just after the two broke off their alliance, Maysilee was killed by a flock of birds that pierced her throat and Haymitch stayed with her until she died, holding her hand.
            Haymitch became one of the last two remaining tributes, the other being a female Career tribute. The girl pursued Haymitch to the edge of the arena where the force field was located. Both tributes were wounded, but Haymitch more so; the female tribute attempted to win the games by outlasting Haymitch. However, Haymitch used the force field during the final fight when his adversary threw her ax at him; it was repelled back by the field and killed her. Haymitch was crowned victor of the 50th Hunger Games. However, President Snow, the leader of the Capitol, was furious about Haymitch’s trick with the force field, which Katniss would later describe as being “almost as bad as the berries.” Katniss wonder what the Capitol did to punish Haymitch.
            Once they arrive, they are ushered to prepare for the opening ceremonies. Right before the ceremony, Finnick Odair from District 4 hits on Katniss, asking her to divulge her secrets but she brushes him away. After the ceremony, Johanna Mason from District 7 walks by Katniss naked. Katniss doesn’t understand why everyone is acting weird until Peeta explains that to the Capitol, she is “pure” and they are trying to get under her skin, which angers her.
            They go to the rooms where she sees the Avox girl, Lavinia, from the 74th Hunger Games, and also a new Avox, which turns out to be Darius from District 12, who tried to stop Thread from whipping Gale. He, like all Avoxes, was forced to suffer getting his tongue cut out. She is warned by Haymitch not to say anything because it would mean punishment for Darius. Later, Hyamitch tells them that they must from alliances this year and make friends. During training, Katniss be friends Wiress and Beetee from District 3, who point out the force field used to separate the game makers from the tributes. Katniss displays her archery skills and is wanted by many to be in an alliance. In their solo performances for the game makers, both Peeta an Katniss are unsure of what to do. Peeta goes first, and after a long wait Katniss goes. She doesn’t know what Peeta did, but she can tell that the game makers are angry. She sees Plutarch Heavesbee, the new head game maker, and has an idea. She ties a noose to a dummy and with berry juice writes the name “Seneca Crane,” the former head game maker during Katniss’ Hunger Games, who let both Katniss and Peeta live. He was executed by orders of President Snow.
            Afterwards, she find out that Peeta made a drawing of Rue with the flowers on the ground which could not be washed away, and was covered by the game makers. Haymitch isn’t happy because now they have made enemies. The scores are shown, and Katniss wonders to Cinna if anyone has ever received a 0. But instead, she and Peeta both receive perfect 12s. Haymitch explains that this was done to make sure the other tributes are gunning for the both of them. Peeta and Katniss stay together that night, and Katniss has come to accept her death, which she knows will be the spark for the rebellion. That night, both don’t have nightmares. The following day, they spend the entire day and night together alone on the roof.
            The day of the interview, the prep team comes into Katniss’ room and find her and Peeta together. Peeta leaves and as the prep team starts to cry, they leave one by one until Venia is left. She then says goodbye Katniss and Cinna comes in with her wardrobe, specifically chosen by President Snow, the chosen wedding gown from the photo shoot. She notes to Cinna that it’s heavier than before, but he explains that he had to do some alterations and tells her don’t lift her arms until she twirls on television.
            The interview atmosphere is different from the previous year. The tributes are speaking out against the Capitol, asking why President Snow isn’t stopping this if he is great and powerful. The second last tribute to speak is Katniss, who comes on stage with the dress on, apologizing to the crowd for not letting them see her get married. She twirls and raises her arms and the wedding dress burns away to reveal a different dress underneath. When she looks towards a television, she realizes that Cinna has turned her into a mockingjay.
            Although Cesear knows what the dress represents, they play it off as the bird on Katniss’ token. Next comes Peeta, the last tribute to speak. He tells the audience thet he and Katniss are already married, and tells them that Katniss is pregnant. This drives the audience to madness and hysteria. As Peeta makes his way back to the other tributes, he holds Katniss’ hands amidst the chaos, and it turn she grabs the hand of Chaff who is next to her, and then all the tributes join hands before the Capitol has time to turn the cameras off, and Katniss knows that this, the joining of unity on the stage, has now rippled into the districts and will stir the rebellion even more. Effie was forced to leave without saying goodbye to Peeta and Katniss, and they say their goodbyes to Haymitch. He tells them to stay alive, and to always remember who the real enemy is.
            Getting ready for ceremonies, she is in the room with Cinna when she steps on the plate to be taken to the arena, when she is frozen in place and can’t move. She looks at Cinna who just shakes his head in confusion, when three peacekeepers enter the room, who then arrest, beat him into submission and drag him out of the room. A frozen Katniss watches in horror, but then is transported to the arena.
            The plate leaves her in the middle of blue water, which she realizes “is no place for a girl on fire.”

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