Minggu, 19 Juni 2016



Alcohol / “Social Drinking”
Humanity has always yielded to the pressure of different chemical substance that eventually caused it irreparable damage. Finding the “cure” from the damage obtained was the next step. And it seems that only now, when the number of the diseases caused by different substances has reached its peak, people have finally understood that the best “cure” is the prevention of any forms of substance abuse. Alcohol is not the last one in the list of these destructive substances. It is the “companion” of any significant event occurring in the life of modern people or even an everyday way to relax and get away from all the difficulties. People relax and forget that they are supposed to think not only about their health but also about the health of the people around them. This especially concerns woman, as they are the ones to deliver the next generation into the world. A woman’s organism is a lot more influenced by any external chemical influences and alcohol becoming woman’s frequent “companion” becomes a real threat for the health of the nation. The contemporary medical world is very much concerned with the female alcohol abuse phenomenon and the appearance of a group of inclinations that both female and male abusers experience. Alcohol abuse is the giant problem, which needs to be fixed desperately. It is very important to understand its nature and the possible effects that it can make to the human body.

Changes in The Human Organism
The changes that occur in the human organism for the reason of alcohol abuse are terrible. The whole body is damaged and the person stops being able to either move and think properly. The effect of alcohol through out the period of human’s life is immense and even the lesser amount of alcohol may cause some changes. These destructive processes, which occur inside the organism, cause irreparable damage that it made on the genetic level. Even “social drinking” causes changes in intellectual and behavior activity of children. Heavy abuse, causing disorders has nowadays become unbelievably widespread. All this changes throughout the period the development of the alcohol dependency cause mental disabilities and severe changes in the human body.
1.      1. Physical Changes
Very often it is said that alcohol heavy drinkers look the same. This happens because in the first place all of them experience problems with their skin. As the vessels of the skin widen, the blood flow to the person’s face become more intensive. This is the reason people who drink alcohol have a flushed skin color and constantly feel that they are hot. Another part of body that is directly damaged by alcohol is the liver. This is primarily due to the fact that it is liver that works the most to “clean” the organism from the chemicals in alcohol. When alcohol get to blood in its turn damages the process of functioning of the liver cells and some of them start dying.
2.      2. Mental Changes
If a person constantly abuse alcohol it will eventually lead to a set of permanent transformations in the brain morphology. One of the most significant transformations concerns the reduction of the total amount of brain tissue and the growing size of the ventricles. The basic reason the body stops being able to produce brain tissue to cope with the chemical is because it lacks natural vitamin that a healthy body produces. Another reason because the body is deprived of vitamin is that alcohol abusers often experience a problem of systematic eating and don’t consume food at the required time., making the body weak and unable to resist the alcohol  effect. As the brain of a person under alcohol dependency doesn’t have enough vitamins its turns out to be the first step to the beginning of mental retardation. What happens to a person is that he completely losses the ability to control his behavior, his judgments become illogical and his ability to concentrate decreases tremendously. 

The consumption of alcohol beverages has strongly entered the tradition of celebration any significant events in the life of people. Anybody can hardly imagine celebrating Christmas or birthday without a gulp of champagne. Seemingly, there is nothing bad in that and nothing bad can happen after a gulp of champagne or a gulp during a routing “social drinking”. But the reality is cruel. Therefore even small doses of alcohol can do harm to a the human body. Most people don’t understand the consequences alcohol abuse can have of their health nevertheless the abuse occurs primarily because people don’t know the destructive power of alcohol. The consequences of the alcohol abuse don’t decrease with time, though specific manifestations change when doses of drinking become smaller. This factors prevent people from proper social adaptation and therefore make their life incomplete. Social impracticability of people suffering from the alcohol abuse is one of major problems of the contemporary medical society. And the only way to solve this problems is to prevent people from drinking alcohol an any amounts. There is no cure a better than alcohol abstention. 

1 women have lesser enzyme that known as alcohol dehydrogenate and that is the reason about 30% more alcohol is absorbed into their bloodstream than in men.


Rabu, 15 Juni 2016


Title                 : Let’s Teach English
Pages               : 25
Thesis Statement        : The wonder of wonders is the human language. The human language is unique, species specific, and innate.
Research Question      : How to teach English?
Methodology              : Case Study
Findings          : Such a common phenomenon, language is a mystery, a mind-teaser. From Panini and Plato to Chomsky- no one has been able to unravel the mystery and say anything definite about the origin and development, how we learn language, and how such a small brain manages a complex phenomenon like language. Even neuroscientists like Dr. Penfield (1959), who used neural stimulation for studying language functions in the brain or Dr. Ramachandran (2011) can only speculate about our language competence. What happens when the one hundred billion neuro-cells interact in the tiny space of the human brain and how the drama is enacted – no one knows and there is no way of testing it. Scientists have discovered the Higgs Boson (the God Particle) but no one has found out the „language particle‟.
There is no way of explaining the „illogicalities‟ in natural languages except saying it is the logic of the human psyche and since language is a human phenomenon, it is as illogical as human beings are. Look at English: a „running nose‟ does not run; „nightmares‟ can happen anytime of the day, even during broad daylight; „morning sickness‟ is not necessarily during morning; „hot dogs‟ can be cold; a „pine apple‟ had neither pine nor apple; an „eggplant has no egg and no plant; „bullshit‟ is not the shit of a bull; „holy shit‟ is certainly not holy; when your grandfather kicked the bucket, there was no bucket nearby! Can we say that speakers of English are insane and pack them off to a mental asylum!
Language is a living phenomenon; it is dynamic and keeps changing. It is always in a state of „flux‟. Look at the new words and expressions that English keeps on adding according to the technological, economic, and socio-political requirements. Computer technology has given birth to many new expressions: email, SMS, blog, download, mouse (the plural of which is not „mice‟), geek, cloud computing, data mining, data warehouse, etc. Words like „texting‟, „mind space‟, „bandwidth‟, stress buster‟ have become part of everyday usage. It is because English keeps changing and borrowing, it has become a global language. With globalization and technology, it is absorbing more and more words even from different cultures.
There are many ways of teaching English interestingly and effectively:
a) The Literary Way
Teaching English through literary texts has been the traditional way since the introduction of English in India.
b) The Communicative Way
We can teach English in terms of certain communicative functions like the following:
a) Social formulas
b) Inviting someone
c) Saying goodbye
d) Congratulating
e) Introducing yourself
f) Introducing someone
g) Answering an introduction
h) Greeting someone
i) Thanking
c) The Interpretive Way
Some short texts that have current relevance and that raise social issues like gender discrimination, corruption, etc.; mini stories, and interesting episodes can be used to teach English. Students can be asked to read the passage aloud so that they get practice in proper speech habits like stress, pause, and intonation. Isolated words selected from the passages and sentences can be used for speech practice. Related words for the words used in the texts should also be brought in to encourage vocabulary enrichment.
d) The Integrative Way or the Grammar-Composition Way
The term „pedagogical grammar‟ is a broad cover term that includes both a teacher’s grammar and a learner’s grammar. A teacher is not a grammarian but he/she ought to know enough grammar to teach the language in question in a way that is and to take informed decisions; a teacher must be in a position to decide how much grammar, to whom, for what purpose(s) and how it has to be taught. If teachers are sure about their knowledge of grammar, then and then alone, grammar can be integrated both with oral and written composition. This requires that teachers must know some essential grammar. It does not mean that teachers go to the class and download their knowledge of grammar. The learners‟ requirements are different.
e) The Combo Recipe
A combination of the four types mentioned above can also be used. Some literary texts- both old and new, some pieces for communication skills, some modern texts that raise important social issues, and some contextualized pieces for teaching important grammatical categories can be judiciously mixed to make the learning of English more interesting, effective, and challenging. This combination will also take care of different aspects and interests of learners. Let’s teach English and not highflown literature, grammar or phonetics to those who are waiting to learn English.